
If you want to be part of an occasional Christian community of conversation, practice and prayer — read on!

For we’re betting the best of the Christian tradition still carries valuable sources and resources for poetics and politics, ethics and education, music and meaning, calling and community. We’re building this site as a kind of cyber basecamp for web-based and in-person conversations and gatherings as well as online and in-person classes — conversations free and flexible enough to happen any time  and anywhere for anyone.

And if this revisioning of ancient truths gives you new hope, keep in touch with what we’re doing here and respond with your own words, ideas, views, vision and vocation. Think of this as crowdsourcing for a new community because your ideas, cautions and encouragements are needed in finding what might work now, as well as what might be waiting or wanting to happen in the future.

Remember this is very much a work  in progress: some tentative ideation on what a redemptive/resistant community might be like in this new world. Explore our programs and checkout templates and ideas for other future online and unperson formation and education (such as Seasonal Gatherings and Resources for Revisioning), then add your own input on what might be included in seasonal gatherings. Do know I’d love your insights and ideas, so  send me a note and w can have an open ended conversation that could change, well, everything.

In any case — welcome to The Merton Centre!

Rob Whalley

Please contact me @  robwhalley@themertoncentre.org